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Saturday, August 22, 2015

Loving Our Furry Friends

Lately, with the news on the famous lion that was slaughtered and this morning when I opened my facebook to two different animal abuse cases, I feel pain from these stories. It is just one more thing in the world that has completely gone out of their fricking mind. It is hard for me not to get depressed and very angry about it.

The truth is I have seen with my own eyes a  big outcry for animals, but less for humans. I am not complaining as I feel the same way. Animals are helpless. What can we do about their overpopulation, and people, who for some reason don't have enough sense to get them fixed?

The truth is our own animal friends are our best friends. They don't judge us. They love us unconditionally. They are happy with food and friendship- which, by the way, Solomen says is the only real and good thing in life.

This week I have gotten rid of a "friend" who for one year has taken but never given. I never like to lose a "friend", but they were not a friend, and life is too short.

A better world begins with each of us.  I am doing my very best to be a better friend and person every day. I may not make a big difference, but I hope I am a little salt to make the world a little more enjoyable.

Salem, my cat is sleeping. His life is so very happy, unlike so many other cats. We should band together and outcry for human rights as well. Get involved in saving a life. All lives. And making lives better by helping others and being better ourselves.

I am just thinking out loud today. Back to writing- Your Mission Is Not Impossible...


  1. When I was working with a rescue, I saw so many things I wish I hadn't seen. People can be very cruel to animals.
